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Showing posts from December, 2012

Congratulation ADIK !!!!!

Congrats adik sbb dah berjaya grad, Ijazah Sarjana Muda =) Along & family semua bangga dgn pencapaian adik & hope adik akan berjaya mencapai cita-cita adik. We love you much adik..muah..muah.. lot's of Love, ALONG


Hi...lame betul dah tak update blog nih.Bulan lepas, sempat jugak g makan kt Bubba Gump Shrimp, The Curve . En. tunang da lama beli voucher kt groupon, tp tak berkesempatan nak pegi. Act da banyak kali makan kat Bubba Gump  Shrimp, The Curve tp tak pernah nak snap pic, tp kali nih..hehehe..sempat ler snap pic makanan yg we all order sebelum masuk ke mulut, u all boleh la tengok-tengok..mane nak tau, boleh jadi menu u all utk hari nih =) MENU Quenchers - Mango sparkler  (Mango lemonade, orange juice & lemon lime) RM12.90 Quenchers - Speckled lemonade (strawberries or blueberries) RM12.90 Of Course we have Scampi!! Tender Shrimp sauteed w/ capers in lemon - garlic butter, served over a bed of linguini. RM32.90 Crazy Cajun Chicken Grilled boneless chicken thigh lightly Dusted w/ Cajun Spices, served over seasonal. Veggies & mashed potatoes. RM28.90 Chocolate Dream Cake - Thank goodness it isn't just a dream extra moist chocolaty c